> 文章列表 > 春节灯笼可以提前开吗英语





春节:the Spring Festival元宵节:the Lantern Festival(老外管元宵节也叫灯笼节,lantern即为灯笼)饺子:Dumpling灯笼:Lantern鞭炮:Firecracker过年好:Happy New Year


灯笼:Lantern春节:the Spring Festival除夕:New Year\'s Eve年夜饭:New Year\'s Eve Dinner红包:Red Envelope守岁:Staying Up Late on New Year\'s Eve春节晚会:the Spring Festival Gala拜年:Pay a New Year Visit饺子:Dumpling福:Blessing正月:Lunar January


春节:The Spring Festival农历:Lunar Calendar正月:Lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar除夕:New Year\'s Eve祝福:Blessings家庭团聚:Family Reunion贴春联:Paste Spring Festival Couplets放鞭炮:Set off Firecrackers


灯笼的英文是:LanternLantern [ˈlæntən] n. 灯笼; 灯塔; 灯罩; 灯饰;[例句] The night lantern glowed softly in the dark.


The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It marks the beginning of the lunar new year and is celebrated with various customs and traditions. One popular tradition is to decorate homes and streets with lanterns. Lanterns are hung outside houses and along streets, bringing a festive atmosphere to the city. The red lanterns symbolize good luck and wealth, and they are believed to ward off evil spirits. People also write wishes and blessings on the lanterns, hoping for a prosperous year ahead. The lanterns are a beautiful sight to behold during the Spring Festival, adding brightness and joy to the celebrations.


春节的英文是:the Spring Festival例句:Today we are all together for the Spring Festival. 因为春节,今天我们都聚集在一起了。


提前的英文可以表达为:ahead of time; in advance; ahead of schedule; beforehand等短语。例如:We finished 15 minutes ahead of time. 我们提前15分钟完成。


灯笼的英文是:lanternLantern [ˈlæntən] n. 灯笼; 提灯; 灯笼式天窗[网络短语]Lantern 灯笼, 灯笼, 提灯Sky lantern 天灯, 天灯, 孔明灯Chinese lanterns are traditional decorations during the Lantern Festival.


提前的英语可以表达为ahead of time,表示提前或提早。例句:We finished 15 minutes ahead of time. 我们提前15分钟完成。Find out ahead of time what requirements are needed. 提前了解需要什么要求。

结束在元宵节. 在春节期间, 人们用红灯笼和春临装饰房子, 孩...

The Spring Festival is celebrated for the end of winter and the arrival of spring. It begins on the last day of the lunar calendar and ends on the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people decorate their homes with red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets. Red lanterns symbolize good luck and are believed to bring blessings and fortune to the family. Spring Festival couplets are poetic phrases or expressions written on red paper and pasted on doors and walls. These decorations create a festive and joyous atmosphere. Children also enjoy playing with lanterns and guessing lantern riddles during this period. The Spring Festival is a time of joy, unity, and celebration in Chinese culture.